Envision RISE

Intentional Investment: Exploring Financial Education for Marginalized Groups with Bay Street Capital Holdings

Envision RISE Episode 4

On this week’s episode, we meet William Huston and Ekenna Anya-Gafu of Bay Street Capital Holdings, a minority-owned, independent investment advisory, wealth management, and financial planning firm that is also dedicated to increasing financial literacy for marginalized groups. As William explained, the institution space has many diverse managers - people of color and women - who outperform their peers; however, these managers often have no advisors or plan sponsors supporting them. Will and Ekenna share: 

  • How comprehensive 401K plans and performance plans for 401Ks can be used as tools for attracting and retaining talent
  • How many POC traditionally have had less access to financial resources and tools, and how Bay Street’s resources and financial workshops support women and POC 
  • The significant increase in investments by POC in 2020 alone 
  • A historical, systemic understanding of lower participation of women and POC in financial planning due to pay inequity
  • An insight on behavioral finance and its impact on financial decision making
  • The necessity for organizations to include DEI in all decisions, especially externally for a larger diversity of suppliers and vendors

Learn more about Bay Street Capital Holdings

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